दंत चिकित्सा


The Department of Dentistry has progressed further in year 2022-2023, expanding in terms of facilities, dentistry education, and research. The setup of fully functioning four independent dental operatory, and two OT days per week and 12 dedicated inpatient beds has enabled the department to treat and perform tertiary level oral and maxillofacial procedures. The department of dentistry is committed in providing comprehensive patient care and catering to all the underprivileged patients. We routinely treat referred patients not only from Bihar, but also from neighboring states such as Jharkhand.

  • The department and OPD is located at ground floor, OPD block
  • Dental Chair: The Department has 4 Dental chairs and its accessories.
  • IPD: 12 Beds
  • 'Modular integrated OT' in central OT Complex 2 days/week

The Department provides specialized care to its patients in 4 clinical departments of dentistry:

  1. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery:
    • Minor surgical procedures: Exodontia
    • Excisional and incisional biopsies
    • Pre-prosthetic surgeries
    • Treatment of Disorders of Maxillary Sinus
    • Treatment of TMJ Disorders
    • Management of Vascular Anomalies of Orofacial region
    • Management of Pre-cancerous lesions and conditions
    • Management of Maxillofacial Trauma
    • Management of Maxillofacial Odontogenic Pathologies
    • Management of Maxillofacial benign tumors and cysts
    • Correction of Facial deformities
    • Management of congenital deformities involving orofacial region
    • Aesthetic Procedures of Face
    • Surgical management of TMJ Ankylosis
  2. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics:
    • Anterior and Posterior Composite esthetic restorations
    • Root canal treatment
    • Post and core treatment
  3. Oral Medicine and Radiology:
    • Management of precancerous lesions and diseases (leukoplakia, erythroplakia, etc.) and (lichen planus, oral submucous fibrosis etc.)
    • Management Orofacial Pain Disorders and its treatment (Burning mouth syndrome, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Atypical facial pain).
    • Laser treatment for premalignant and other oral lesions
    • TMJ disorders
  4. Periodontics:
    • Oral Prophylaxis
Teaching & Training:

The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is currently offering an M.D.S. course in the branch of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Our teaching program consists of Seminars, journal clubs, case presentation, tutorials. The Department offers regular classes to undergraduates (M.B.B.S.) students and administers end-of-the-posting examinations.

क्रम सं.संकाय का नामपद का नाम

MondayGeneral1. Prof. (Dr.) Shivendra Choudhary
2. Dr. Sailesh Kumar Mukul
3. Dr. Naqoosh Haidry
4. Dr. Rudra Deo Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM27
TuesdayGeneral1. Prof. (Dr.) Shivendra Choudhary
2. Dr. Rudra Deo Kumar
09:00 AM - 01:00 PM27
SpecialUniversal Precaution Day1. Prof. (Dr.) Shivendra Choudhary
2. Dr. Rudra Deo Kumar
01:30 PM - 05:00 PM27
WednesdayGeneral1. Dr. Sailesh Kumar Mukul
2. Dr. Naqoosh Haidry
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM24
ThursdayGeneral1. Prof. (Dr.) Shivendra Choudhary
2. Dr. Rudra Deo Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM27
(Every alternate)
General1. Prof. (Dr.) Shivendra Choudhary
2. Dr. Sailesh Kumar Mukul
3. Dr. Naqoosh Haidry
4. Dr. Rudra Deo Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM27
SaturdayGeneral1. Dr. Sailesh Kumar Mukul
2. Dr. Naqoosh Haidry
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM24

Dr. Naqoosh Haidry (Assistant Professor)
Research projects: Primary investigator
a. Extramural projects (Ongoing/Completed) – 01

- Thesis of one of my students have received Extramural funding from ICMR
b. Intramural Projects (Funded): None
c. Intramural Projects (Non-funded): 05

1) Title: Effect of median and paramedian approaches on the outcome of patient in Submental intubation in complex maxillofacial trauma
2) Title: Comparison of Low-Level Laser Therapy VS Dexamethasone for Pain Control, Evaluation of Oedema and Trismus after the Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: A Randomized Trial.
3) Title: Radiographic analysis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osseous morphology in Patients of temporomandibular joint ankylosis.
4) Title: Study on the effectiveness of 12.5 % dextrose (Prolotherapy) in comparison to 2% lignocaine in ultrasound guided trigger point injection in the management of Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome- Triple blinded randomized control trial.
5) Title: Comparative Cross-sectional study for the assessment of temporomandibular Joint disorders in individuals with psoriasis and without psoriasis.
As Co-Investigator:
1) Effectiveness of diode laser compared to Co2 laser in the treatment of leukoplakia- a non -inferiority randomized control trial.
2) An immunohistochemical study of ykl-40 expressions in oral submucous fibrosis


  1. Haidry N, Shivhare P, Vaidyanathan A, Mokhtar E A, Ghimire AC. Lymphangioma of the Oral and Maxillofacial Region: A Report of Three Cases. Cureus. 2022 Dec 15;14(12).
  2. Mokhtar EA, Haidry N, Verma S, Akbar S. Mandibular Mucormycosis: A Report of Four Cases and a Discussion on Their Management. Cureus. 2022 Oct 14;14(10).
  3. Shivhare P, Haidry N, Sah N, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of the Diode Laser (980 nm) and Sclerotherapy in the Treatment of Oral Vascular Malformations. Int J Vasc Med. 2022;2022:2785859.
  4. Shivhare P, Haidry N, Sah N, et al. Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of the Diode Laser (980 nm) and Sclerotherapy for the Treatment of Oral Pyogenic Granuloma. International Journal of Dentistry. 2022.2022:8269221
  5. Haidry N, Bhavana K, Shivhare P, et al. A Rare Case of Mandibular Mucormycosis in a Post-COVID-19 Patient. Cureus .2022:14(8): e28216. DOI 10.7759/cureus.28216.
  6. Shivhare P, Kumar A, Parihar A, Haidry N, Sah N, Singh A. Modified tangential Peeyush’s technique: A simplified radiographic technique to visualize zygomatic arch fracture. J Oral Maxillofac Radiol2022;10:34-9.
  7. Vaidyanathan A, Haidry N, Sinha U, Singh A, Salahudheen A. Evaluation of the effects of Polidocanol injectionin the treatment of temporomandibular joint hypermobility- A Prospective Study. Ann Maxillofac Surg 2022;12:166-172
  8. Kumar V, Haidry N, Vaidyanathan A, Salahudheen A, Gupta V. Ectopic tooth in maxillary sinus: A case series.Int J Oral Care Res 2022;10:53-6.

State conference of AOMSI Bihar/Jharkhand state chapter
