जनरल सर्जरी


The Department of General Surgery is one of the Institute's major departments, with the goal of providing all medical and surgical care related to surgical conditions of patients attending the department via outpatient department and emergency/accidental problems. Minimal Invasive, Breast, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Vascular, General Surgery, and Emergency Surgery are all part of the Surgery department. It has specialised clinics for breast cancer, anorectal cancer, and hepatobiliary disease. Aside from that, the department has been performing minimally invasive surgery for both basic and advanced laparoscopic training. The department has held regular academic events with the goal of imparting knowledge in specific areas of the surgical arsenal such as breast, minimally invasive, bariatric, and thoracic surgery. CME, conferences, and wet lab workshops are examples of these activities. The department offers general surgery services for all types of surgeries related to benign and malignant abdominal pathology, thyroid diseases, breast cancer, and soft tissue tumours. The majority of the surgery is performed using minimally invasive techniques, which include both basic and advanced surgical procedures. The department performs a large number of hernia surgeries using the laparoscopic technique and have also begun research in the same field. Postgraduate students have joined the department, and the department has begun a number of research projects and postgraduate thesis work in collaboration with other departments. This year has been marked by the Covid pandemic, but we intend to develop bariatric surgery and robotic surgery in the near future, as the institute is in the process of purchasing a robot. We also intend to develop a structured laparoscopic training programme for surgeons interested in field work in other hospitals in the institute's surrounding area.

IPD beds: 60

SundayGeneralNo OPD
Special ClinicNo special clinic
CasualityOn rotation basis between all units24 HoursDGB
MondayGeneralDr. Manoj Kumar (HOD)
Dr. Ashesh Kumar Jha
Dr. Manoj Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316I
Special Clinic
Hepatobiliary pancreatic clinic & Hernia and AWR clinic
Dr. Manoj Kumar (HOD)
Dr. Ashesh Kumar Jha
Dr. Manoj Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316I
CasualityDr. Manoj Kumar (HOD)
Dr. Ashesh Kumar Jha
Dr. Manoj Kumar
(On rotation basis any one of these faculties)
24 HoursDGBI
TuesdayGeneralDr. Shiv Shankar Paswan
Dr. Ashwini Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316II
Special Clinic
Anto rectal & Fistula clinic
Dr. Shiv Shankar Paswan
Dr. Ashwini Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316II
CasualityDr. Shiv Shankar Paswan
Dr. Ashwini Kumar
(On rotation basis any one of these faculties)
24 HoursDGBII
WednesdayGeneralDr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Chandan Kumar Jha
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316III
Special Clinic
Breast clinic & Thyroid clinic
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Chandan Kumar Jha
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316III
CasualityDr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Chandan Kumar Jha
(On rotation basis any one of these faculties)
24 HoursDGBIII
ThursdayGeneralDr. Surya Vikram
Dr. Deepak Kumar
Dr. Sanjit Prasad
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316IV
Special ClinicNo special clinic
CasualityDr. Surya Vikram
Dr. Deepak Kumar
Dr. Sanjit Prasad
(On rotation basis any one of these faculties)
24 HoursDGBIV
FridayGeneral1st and 3rd Friday-
Dr. Manoj Kumar (HOD)
Dr. Ashesh Kumar Jha
Dr. Manoj Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316I
General2nd and 4th Friday-
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Chandan Kumar Jha
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316III
Special ClinicNo special clinic
Casuality1st and 3rd Friday-
Dr. Manoj Kumar (HOD)
Dr. Ashesh Kumar Jha
Dr. Manoj Kumar
24 HoursDGBI
Casuality2nd and 4th Friday-
Dr. Prashant Kumar Singh
Dr. Chandan Kumar Jha
24 HoursDGBIII
SaturdayGeneral1st and 3rd Saturday-
Dr. Shiv Shankar Paswan
Dr. Ashwini Kumar
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316II
General2nd and 4th Saturday-
Dr. Surya Vikram
Dr. Deepak Kumar
Dr. Sanjit Prasad
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM301-316IV
Special ClinicNo special clinic
Casuality1st and 3rd Saturday-
Dr. Shiv Shankar Paswan
Dr. Ashwini Kumar
24 HoursDGBII
Casuality2nd and 4th Saturday-
Dr. Surya Vikram
Dr. Deepak Kumar
Dr. Sanjit Prasad
24 HoursDGBIV

Clinical Services: At the moment, the department provides patients with outdoor and indoor facilities in addition to performing all types of major and minor, open and laparoscopic surgeries.

Community services: Regular health camps are being organised, as well as training for paramedics and community members by one of the department's trauma and surgery consultants. Details of such programmes are being published separately by the trauma and emergency department.

Teaching and training
  1. Undergraduate teaching
    1. MBBS: The fifth batch (the 2016 batch) will appear in the final examination this year in December.
  2. Post-graduate teaching
    1. MS (Surgery): The third academic session, which began in January 2019, has begun. So far, eight postgraduate students have been admitted.
Innovative educational activity
  • Undergraduate Teaching including lecture classes, clinical postings
  • Lecture classes for nursing students
  • Departmental teaching for the Residents
  • Surgical Training or Junior and Senior Residents

Undergraduate, postgraduate, paramedical teaching Short and long term training
The Undergraduate students learn about general examination, investigations, diagnosis, and treatment of common surgical disorders. They are educated on the prevalence of various diseases such as appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and liver diseases. They are also trained to recognise various types of cancer that develop in common organs such as the thyroid, breast, and other parts of the body. The teaching programme consists of lectures, seminars, clinical work, field work, and tutorials with the following goals:

  1. Be able to examine and write case histories of common surgical disorders in the OPD.
  2. Be able to write histories, perform clinical examinations, routine investigations, pre and post-operative follow-up, and submit detailed case histories while on the ward duty.
  3. Recognize common surgical diseases in their early stages.
  4. Be able to define and illustrate general surgical care principles.
  5. Be able to recognise surgical emergencies, provide first aid, and make appropriate referrals to specialists.
  6. Be able to perform routine day-to-day investigations such as blood pressure monitoring, urinary catheterization, Ryle's tube insertion, venous cannulation, and so on.

क्रम सं.संकाय का नामपद का नाम


