आधारभूत संरचना
The department is located in basement of OPD building.
Clinical services are given at out-patient setting through dedicated specialized clinics:
Thyroid Clinic (Nuclear Medicine) -
For patients having thyroid disorders -
NET Clinic - Patients with metastatic Neuroendocrine Tumours can get opinion for THERNOSTICS (Scanning with Somatostatin Receptor Imaging using Ga-68 DOTATATE/DOTANOC/DOTATOC PET-CT & Management with Lu-177 DOTATATE - Peptide Receptor Radio-nuclide Therapy - PRRT)
Prostate Clinic - Patients having metastatic castration Resistant Prostatic cancer can get opinion regarding THERNOSTICS (Scanning with Ga-68 PSMA PET-CT/F-18 PSMA PET-CT and radio-ligand therapy)
Metastatic Bone Pain Palliation Clinic - Patients harbouring extensive bone metastases can get pain palliation using Radio-active Samarium-153 EDTMP as an OPD basis in the Dept. of Nuclear Medicine
Community Outreach Thyroid Awareness programme organized by Department of Nuclear Medicine:
Organized CME on "Thyroid disorders and thyroid cancers" on 25th May 2022 at Auditorium, AIIMS Patna.
क्रम सं. | संकाय का नाम | पद का नाम |
ओपीडी अनुसूची और विशेष क्लीनिक
The Department is running OPD on every Wednesday
अनुसंधान और प्रकाशन
कार्यक्रम (आगामी / चल रहे)
हमसे संपर्क करें