ट्रांसफ्यूजन मेडिसिन एवं ब्लड बैंक

  • होम
  • ट्रांसफ्यूजन मेडिसिन एवं ब्लड बैंक


The Department of Transfusion Medicine & Blood Bank is entirely dedicated to providing health services to patients. It is committed to providing patient services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The goal is to provide safe and high-quality blood and blood products on time. The department is actively contributing to the education, research, and training of medical and paramedical personnel in the field of transfusion medicine in order to benefit the patient's overall well-being. The Department of Transfusion Medicine is dedicated to providing the highest quality Transfusion support to patients around the clock, both in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic modes of treatment.

The department has a dedicated and well-trained staff who all prioritise patients' overall well-being and strictly adhere to SOPs (standard operating procedures) and GMPs (good manufacturing practises). The Blood Bank provides its patients with 100% Blood Component, it has begun using the IVth generation CHEMILUMINESCENCE technique, which reduces the T.T.I window period, and is highly beneficial to patients receiving blood and blood components. Therapeutic intervention is also provided by the department, for example, therapeutic plasma exchange and therapeutic phlebotomy. The Blood Centre encourages voluntary blood donors by conducting blood donation awareness and education programmes.

The department actively participated in an ICMR trial involving plasma therapy for COVID-19 patients during the Pandemic.

Department of Transfusion Medicine & Blood Bank is using latest gel technology for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


  • Donor Grouping
  • Donor ICT
  • Donor Du
  • Patient Grouping
  • Patient ICT
  • Patient DCT
  • Cross matching
  • Blood Donation
  • Transfusion Transmitted Infectious (TTI) marker done
  • PRBC (PRBC) prepared
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) prepared
  • Random Donor Platelet Concentrate (RDPC) prepared
  • Cryoprecipitate (CRYO) prepared
  • Cryo Poor Plasma (CPP) prepared
  • PRBC (PRBC) issued
  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) issued
  • Platelet issued
  • Cryo Poor Plasma (CPP) issued
  • Cryoprecipitate (CRYO) issued
  • Platelet Apheresis
  • Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
  • Therapeutic Phlebotomy
  • Autologous PRP Extraction
  • Discard of all Component
  • Plasma for Fractionation
  • Convalescent Plasma
Community services/Outreach programs

The department has conducted 3 (three) In-house Blood Donation Camps, with a significant participation from people of various walks. More such camps were planned to be organised, but due to COVID Pandemic, this could not be made possible.

Teaching & Training:

In the form of a seminar and a journal club, the department participates in various teaching programmes for Senior residents, Junior residents, and Interns.

Specialized services/procedures

The Department of Transfusion Medicine & Blood Bank at AIIMS Patna provides specialised services, during the reference period the department provided 741 apheresis, 41 single donor platelets, and 700 convalescent plasma. However, owing to the COVID Pandemic, there was no Therapeutic Plasma Exchange.

क्रम सं.संकाय का नामपद का नाम



